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Combining Multiple Querying Methods

You can also use query with multiple methods based on your needs, by combining the previous methods like those examples :

Examples :

List<Product> twoProductsFromThirdPage = await YouCan.instance.products.pagination(3).limit(2).all();

List<Product> firstProductWithTitleStartingWithA = await"A").limit(1).all();

List<Product> threeProductsFromPage5WithTitleStartingWithB = await YouCan.instance.products.pagination(5).search("B").limit(3).all();

List<Product> fourProductsOfOneCategory = await YouCan.instance.products.category("CATEGORY ID").limit(4).all();

Keep In Mind

Query Methods Order Don't Matter.

Before calling tha all() on your query code, the order of the query methods doesn't really matter, those following query are the same, and will return the same result:

List<Product> firstQuery = await YouCan.instance.products.pagination(13).search("B").limit(3).all();

List<Product> secondQuery = await"B").limit(3).pagination(13).all();

Calling Same Query Methods Will Take The Last One Only.

Trying to call a querying method multiples times on the same query code will takes only the last method and ignore the previous ones

final example5 = YouCan.instance.products.pagination(5).pagination(10).pagination(100);

the example above will consider the last pagination() and return a query on the page 100, and it will not throw an error for previous ones, it will just ignore them.


Well, queries that combines search() and pagination() are not allowed, and will throw an error if they are combined.